
International taxation

Creative tax solutions for companies and individuals. Tax solutions are designed to allow clients to achieve the best tax optimization possible.
Consulting topics in the field of international taxation include the following fields:
  • Selecting the types of corporations suitable for conducting operations abroad, including support in selecting the optimal company structure;
  • Developing a global and flexible tax strategy that matches client’s business model;
  • Establishing a company in a tax haven – see below;
  • Funding international operations and investments;
  • Restructuring and international acquisitions;
  • Taxation of revenues originating from abroad and efficiently routing the funds to Israel;
  • Representing clients before tax authorities and tax assessor offices regarding all international taxation issues;
  • Representing clients in all courts regarding international taxation issues;
  • Efficiently utilizing double tax treaties and tax benefits abroad.

Bank account abroad

  • Assisting throughout the process of opening a bank account abroad – for example, in Hong Kong, Singapore and Switzerland;
  • Providing consulting related to foreign account reporting;
  • Consulting on tax consequences in Israel concerning operations carried out via a bank account abroad;
  • Consulting on transfer of funds from a bank account abroad to Israel at a minimum tax rate;
  • International tax planning in accordance with fund management abroad;
  • Voluntary disclosure regarding a bank account abroad.

Tax haven company establishment

  • Assisting and supporting company establishment in tax haven, such as the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, etc;
  • Consulting on tax consequences in Israel regarding operations carried out via a company at tax haven;
  • Consulting on transfer of funds from tax haven to Israel at a minimum tax rate;
  • International tax planning according to tax haven conditions, including an efficient holding structure;
  • Conducting expert legal opinion to protect the tax position.

Personal taxation

The firm provides unique tax consulting services to private clients and maintains client’s interests concerning tax outcome.

Consulting topics in the field of personal taxation include the following fields:

  • Assisting and supporting share acquisition and sale transactions, including handling foreign taxes and efficiently utilizing tax credit;
  • Obtaining tax authorities’ approval in advance regarding the aforementioned transaction;
  • Consulting regarding tax residency in Israel and abroad;
  • International tax planning;
  • Consulting regarding “Relocation” taxation, including options;
  • Tax consulting regarding operations carried out via trusts.